Monday, January 26, 2009

Would you ever, would you be my fucking boyfriend?

So, my "How I Met Your Mother" phase is still in full swing. Every day, I bounce between worshiping the genius that NPH has turned into lately...and being absolutely in love with Jason Segel.

Not only is he absolutely amazing on HIMYM, but he's a great writer too (Forgetting Sarah Marshall is totally one of my favorite movies of all time).

In fact, it was the Sarah Marshall soundtrack that's gotten me absolutely obsessed with another of my great loves: music. The soundtrack is bizarre...Spanish covers of songs, studio tracks of songs performed in the movie...and then there's THIS song slapped in the middle of it.

The song (Fucking Boyfriend by The Bird and the Bee) is so incredibly bizarre. It's a combination of alternative/dance/Frou Frou-esque/Shiny Toy Guns/elevator music.

And I absolutely love it.

It only makes me love this movie even more.

As for Mr. Segel...he's currently fulfilling his lifelong dream of writing/working on the next Muppet movie...which of course, I'll see. Because honestly. Why wouldn't I?


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