Tuesday, August 10, 2010


And to think that once vacation was over, I was worried there'd be nothing exciting to look forward to. I was so wrong.

Late August
Stone Temple Pilots

Early September
Lady Gaga

Late October So You Think You Can Dance

Early December Chelsea Handler

Pure Perfection

After my trip to the tumor doctor on Friday, we hung around the southwestern PA area and went to Fallingwater. Fallingwater was a "country" home built for the Kaufmann family in the early 1900's and was designed by (be still my heart) Frank Lloyd Wright. It was absolutely beautiful and I am completely jealous that I cannot live there.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Most. Epic. Horoscope. EVER.

A few weeks ago in July...after the roller derby, we found ourselves at a very cool dive bar for the derby's after party. After a few too many drinks, the Pittsburgh City paper was opened...and I had the most EPIC horoscope ever written. I was also way too inebriated to understand a single word of it. So after ripping it out of the paper (with some help), I was able to save said horoscope and read it later...and even sober, I'm convinced it's the most epic horoscope ever...Now, after much traveling in my purse (where it ripped in half) and being buried under tons of loose change and other junk, here it is, in all it's glory. Enjoy.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)
In 1965, two Russian cosmonauts orbited the Earth in the Voskhod 2 spacecraft. Due to equipment problems, they had to land the vehicle manually. Instead of hitting the target area, they mistakenly set down in rugged mountainous country covered with deep snow. While they waited overnight inside their capsule, wolves gathered outside, howling and pacing. But the next day their recovery team reached them and scared off the hungry predators. Soon they were safely on their way back home. Let this little tale be an inspiration to you, Cancerian, as you come in for your landing. Even though you may not end up quite where you intended, there'll be a happy ending as long as you wait for your allies to be ready for you and you don't try to rush your re-integration.

LOVE it. Epic squared.