Monday, September 13, 2010

Currents as of Mid-September

Been a busy few weeks. Stone Temple Pilots and Cage the Elephant. Gaga. Mario Lemieux. 4.45 am visits from the cops to my house. Be jealous.

Without further ado...

Current Listening
Cage the Elephant
Saw these guys with the Stone Temple Pilots (what a strange experience) and while they're good live, I almost think they sound better on an album. Have some real faves on this one.

Robyn : Body Talk, Parts 1 and 2
Robyn is the ultimate proof that just because you hit it "big" super early on in a career...that you can't evolve so much that your later music career is even bigger than your start. These two albums are fan-freaking-tastic. They're Eurotrash to the extreme and I absolutely love everything about them.

Currently Reading
Serial Killers : Peter Vronsky
I admit it. I'm obsessed with true crime. I cannot stop reading about it. Vronsky's book was great because it's full of great info, but twists the "case studies" in effortlessly.

Dexter is Delicious : Jeff Lindsay
Jeff Lindsay still has me completely enthralled years after reading my first "Dexter" novel. Though it's extremely weird to read his novels with Rita very alive and Astor and Cody working as aspiring little monsters. Love, love, love it.

Currently Watching
Buffy the Vampire Slayer : Season 5
Sigh. Buffy. Still.

But...tomorrow I'm buying the second half of the first season of Glee, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and the Big Bang I'm gonna have tons of stuff to get me unhooked.

I'm super excited about new TV shows starting in a few weeks...("Sunny" starts this Thursday!!).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New blog look...

It may be a little creepy, but I love it. The image in the header was taken from a photo shoot that ran in Entertainment Weekly of Sarah Michelle Gellar recreating scenes from famous horror films and pictures that just embody the horror genre itself. I absolutely love this photo shoot just as much, if not more, than when it first arrived in my mailbox years ago. The photography is really, really well done. Plus, it's only fitting since I've started watching Buffy again.

Take a look at some other shots from the shoot.