Sunday, January 31, 2010

How completely badass is this My Little Pony??

Went to Williamsport this weekend to see my BFFF Honkus. We did the Christmas swap...and she bought me the most absolutely badass My Little Pony.

Apparently, the folks at Hasbro released this totally genius artistic line of My Little Pony in 2008 and Honkus bought me one. I freaking love it. Definitely one of the most awesome gifts ever.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My New Year's Resolution...A Month Late

It took me a total of 20something days to figure out what it is that I want to resolve this year...and the answer was so obvious that I don't know how I didn't think of it soon before.

My resolution for 2010 is to quit wasting so much of my time on stupid technology (AKA texting) and bettering my real life person-to-person communication skills.

For real, think about it.

It seems that more and more lately, technology has made personal relationships way, way too easy. IMs. Facebook. Twitter. Texting. Ten years ago, if you wanted to make plans with people, you had to pick up your actual home phone and call someone.

Now, we can be contacted literally anywhere, anytime. Driving down the road? Check. Going to the bathroom? Check. Cutting down a tree in a forest somewhere? Check.

But while anyone can now call you anywhere...there's also texting.

Which eliminates the truly personal aspect of the phone...and makes things so much more difficult. Text. Text. Text. About everything. Lunch. Someone by you on the bus. If you're mad at someone.

Cell phone technology has broken down these forms of communication so much.

And lately, I've realized that I really, really miss them.

So while I don't plan on giving up my cell phone, I do plan on cutting back on the texting. Small texts here and there about random thoughts, fine. Huge text messages about something that happened the night before or to tell someone you're mad at them? No more.

From now on, I'm not playing the get half the story in 160 characters or less game. And if making plans continues to be such a huge mess via text, I may start only accepting invites via actual phone calls.

I am just so sick of the communication break down. How have we come this far? Why the hell do I see 8 year olds with cell phones? What's wrong with having an old fashioned land line conversation...or hell, a real conversation in person with someone.

And don't get me started on texting and driving (or holding your phone and driving). Thank God, I have Sync in my car.

So this 2010...I'm reverting to the way the dinosaurs did it...the way that's dying. Because maybe if a few more of us quit tapping out our messages and talking to someone, maybe, just maybe, the world would be more well informed, a little more understanding and a hell of a lot less confused.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jay Leno is...Hitler?! And Conan...

This article from "The Wall Street Journal" has got to be the most creative, entertaining narrative to arise from this Leno/Conan debacle and will be the only post I make on the topic that has pissed me off immensely.

See you in Fall of 2010 on Fox, Conan. At least there, you'll be able to push those boundaries without worrying that people will go back on every damn thing they said.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This. Is. Perfect.

Today at work, Neff passed along a link to me...the most wonderful link to a site that I completely adore, thanks to my job and the people that I have to deal with on a semi-regular basis.

Clients From Hell is a site dedicated the horror stories of clients that designers have to deal with. And it only solidifies to me that stupid people are indeed everywhere. So I guess I better just accept the fact that no matter where I go, I'm going to want to constantly rip my hair out.

Some of the real gems:
  • "Could we print the brochure in RGB? You know, it would be cheaper if we use one color less…"
  • "Our client’s competitors has put something on their website that we don’t like, can you take it off there?"
  • "The woman in this photo is perfect, but she needs to be disabled. Can you photoshop her so she only has one arm?"
  • "All these drawings about dinosaurs… Why can’t we have photos?"
  • "I like how the poster looks, the illustration, the font, everything, but….can you do it again but better?"
  • "The logo with the goose and buoy should be the main focus of the ad. Make sure to have some fried chicken legs somewhere. Add a few lady bugs, maybe two or more? The company’s main color is yellow. Also, please make this christmas themed."
  • "Can you make it red, but not red, you know? And maybe try a primary color, like green."

Monday, January 18, 2010

Post #100

In honor of this being my blog's 100th post...I've decided to spotlight some of my favorite blog posts thus far.

A post dedicated to the wonders of my spamming cervix. Still the best e-mail that I have EVER received.

"Obsessing on Star Culture"
This was an assignment for my magazine writing class...and to this day, still rings 100% true.

"Flirt (...Or How To Have a Very Dirty Vagina)"
As if the title isn't fantastic enough, there's a Photoshopped picture of Nicole Scherzingergergergergerwhatever and a pile of dirt.

"Dirty Pretty Boys"
Still love the dirty, pretty boys.

"Why Doesn't Anyone Wear Pants in Music Videos Anymore?"
This one also rings very, very true.

And my two Year in Reviews.

To 100 more...maybe.

Three Years Ago Yesterday...

I left my heart in London.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I am...

So sick of football.

Off to have a Glee marathon in my room.