Monday, February 9, 2009

My inner 13-year-old is peeing herself with excitement...

Um...can we discuss the fact that blink-182 are supposedly "together" again...and that they're working on recording new stuff and possibly touring? When weeks ago they were saying that was far off...if never happening again? Travis just had that horrible plane wreck (and impending lawsuit). Mark broke up +44 and was supposedly "working" on a solo record. Tom (to me) has made the most of the split, forming Angels & Airwaves and building up a huge fan base.

The inner-13-year-old in me is peeing herself with excitement over the idea that one of my favorite bands could possibly be reuiniting...but the 22-year-old in me is wary. Blink was the band that got me into a lot of the different music I'm into today. They were my gateway band so to they'll always be near and dear to me (no matter what other people say). But at the same time...did everyone just suddenly forget the terrible break up they had?

I'd pretty much given up any hope for a reunion. Due to the fact that I've only honestly recently gotten into the whole concert thing (damn you social anxiety disorder...and damn you Warren from being so far away from all the good venues)...I figured I'd never see Mark, Tom and Travis perform together.

So instead, I went about it in an odd way to make sure I saw them all live. I got the chance to see +44 open for Fall Out Boy on the Honda Civic Tour...but was sad because they seriously felt like a blink-182 cover band...

I always kind of took Tom's side in the whole ordeal (he was my favorite member after all...even my inner thirteen year old is still in love with him...). Mark and Travis were quick to attack him, saying that the way he handled things was so "incredibly immature." Tom stayed silent through the whole ordeal, taking the higher road and starting Angels & Airwaves. Only recently (this past summer) did he talk about it on an AVA DVD, stating his side of the break up was due to the fact that he wanted to spend more time with his family...and the other guys didn't respect that.

Tom rant aside...this past summer, it was like my dream was coming full circle when I got to see Angels & Airwaves perform on the Warped Tour. I can honestly say that I love AVA. I love their sound. I love what they stand for. It was an amazing show and definitely is in my Top 5 Concert Experiences.

So as stoked as I am for a blink reunion...I'm also nervous. What's going to happen? Are they just doing this for cash or do they seriously want to do it for the music and the fans again? Furthermore, what does this mean for the future of AVA (who were really just getting started)? I can't help but think about how nervous Tom looked at the Grammy's last nite when they made the announcement.

What it boils down to is this. I'm all for a blink reunion if it's what they all want. But if, in the end, all the guys want to do is repair their friendships (because that seriously was one of the things that made this band so fantastic...the camaraderie between the three of them until shit got bad) and forego the music...I would be completely fine with that too.

All I know is that I'm not completely getting my hopes up. Not yet anyway.

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