My daily lunch routine when I come home every day starts out the same. I sit at my computer and visit these three Web sites in this order: - Best gossip blog ever. - Best Britney fan site ever. - Most reliable celeb magazine ever.
Same order. Every day. I may throw in an e-mail or Facebook check every so often...but every day. Those three sites. That very order.
So today started out much the same. I read about Jamie Lynn Spears on WWTDD. I read about Britney's leaked "Circus" vid on BreatheHeavy (which is FANTASTIC by the way. The same guy who did "I'm a Slave 4 U" [My absolute FAVORITE Britney vid EVER] directed this one. It's definitely one of my top Brit vids.). Then I went to
And rite there...beneath the Kevin Federline (yech) tell-all was this headline: Pete Wentz: Baby Bronx Was 'A Happy Accident.'
Um. First of all...if your child was a "happy accident," then what do you consider his name to be? Bronx Mowgli. Are you for real? For real? That poor child has to grow up with that name. It's not like they could even give it a weird first name and a semi-normal middle name. No. That kid has no options. Bronx? Mowgli? I have always joked around that I'm going to name my firstborn the very first thought that pops into my head after giving birth (which means, my first child will probably be 'Holy Fuck My Vagina Hurts')...and after this clusterfuck of a name, it's official. I'm going to do just that. Because seriously. Holy Fuck My Vagina Hurts is 80,000 times better than Bronx Mowgli.
And then I went on to actually READ the article. Which only managed to piss me off even further.
After a soft lead in, followed by a quote from Pete stating the child was what he needed to put his "wild child in a cage," Wentz goes on to state that the child made him quit "experimenting" with prescription pills.
Ahem. Way back when, I was an avid Fall Out Boy fan. While I don't begrudge the other 3 members of the band was Pete Wentz who turned me off of his band. I can listen to 'Take This To Your Grave' and 'From Under the Cork Tree' from time to time still, but I have to distance myself. There's new FOB and old FOB. It's the old FOB that I like to carry in my pocket for a rainy day (how emo is that?).
That long rant aside, I can now tell you, that in the 'old days,' Pete was hardcore straight edge. And now, all of a sudden, Pete is spouting off about how he "experiments" with anti-anxiety drugs...and Patrick Stump in the latest issue of Rolling Stone (with my girl Brit on the cover) admits that Pete's pretty much a hardcore drinker too.
What in the hell happened to this guy?
But the article gets so much more eye roll enducing.
"But the drug-overdose death of Heath Ledger in January was an eye-opener for the Fallout Boy bassist.
'Dude, after Heath Ledger,' he says, 'I was just like, Man, this is not going to end up good.'"
Are. You. Fucking. Serious.
Firstly, why the hell does one try to 'get high' or 'overdose' on Ativan? Unfortunately, Ativan is something that I have way too much former personal experience with. It's not something you take to have a 'good' time. It's a definate downer. One that makes you practically catatonic and knocks you out. You don't take it to 'have a good time.' You take it because emotionally, you just want to take the pain away. When you're high on Ativan, all you want to do is lay in bed. A good friend and I used to take a few too many and play Mario...which was ridiculous. You can't play Mario and be on a few too many Ativan. Eventually your concept of time gets too fucked up and you either jump in place repeatedly or run off cliffs.
If Ashlee has made his life 'so great' and everything for him is just so 'awesome' then why the Ativan? For real.
Heath Ledger. Did he really just try to get the sympathy vote by bringing up Heath Ledger?
Heath is beyond Pete so far in caliber that it's ridiculous.
The rest of the article goes on to talk about how everyone wants him and Ashlee to do a "Newlyweds 2" but how they won't do it and blah blah blah. Which honestly surprises me. Ashlee did a reality show to get people to buy her first CD (she should have done it after her terrible SNL stint to try to win over her fans with her crap pop music [which I unfortunately have on my iTunes and find myself listening to from time to time]). Pete likes whoring off media attention. I'm surprised the two of them haven't jumped at it. Or that Joe Simpson hasn't forced the two of them into it. I mean...why did they get married? Um...because she was pregnant? And God forbid people scorn them because she was 'unwed.'
I know that this is condescending. And I know that a lot of people don't see where my dislike comes from.
Which is this.
Pete Wentz...way back in the day...was a totally fucking awesome guy. He would have done anything for his fans. He was all about his music. He could write lyrics in ways that I hadn't ever heard before.
But in the past two years...he's jumped ship and landed himself aboard the Douche Bag Express.
He sold out everything he used to stand for. Straight edge? Gone. Down to earth guy? Gone. Only does things for the music? Gone. Non-rockstar "I'm a loser" pretty dirty boy persona? Totally gone.
Instead, he's an asshole. He tries to paint himself as anything but on his band's site...but let's get real.
The real Pete Wentz checked his awesome personality at the door years ago and traded in for a more marketable, more profitable Kanye West-esque model (of course, he just ADORES Kanye and his huge fucking ego).
I have to laugh at the guy he's become because it's just so ridiculous...I try to look and see some glimmer of who he used to be.
But then I run across bullshit like this and it only seems to cement my new opinion of Pete.
He's an asshole who doesn't really honestly care about the music or his fans anymore. Instead, he's happier to play Hollywood hotshot in the vainest of cities in the United States...instead of his beloved hometown of Chicago. If this ever was about the music, he lost it a long time ago.
And that is why I have no more respect for Mr. Peter Wentz.
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