1. | Julie | |
Sweet and downy haired girl, changable, and often misunderstood and complex. A fearful creature as well as highly loyal. She will rule your affection and once you have hers it will be forever. You will love Julie forever. |
3. | Julie | |
1. A popular French name meaning youthful, soft-haired and vivacious. 2. A woman who is hated by woman due to her care free ways and ability to have men swoon at her very sight. Julie. You know which!!! |
7. | Julie | |
Julie is the name only given to those who deserve and respect it. There is no such thing as simply "A Julie," as anyone with the name of Julie deserves special recognition, because, obviously, it is the best name in the world. Anyone named Julie should be addressed as "The Julie" because no Julie is ordinary and each and every Julie is worthy of such a title; their name is Julie. |
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