Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Say what you will...

About Dave Cullen's "Columbine." Call it "conjecture" or a "work of fiction." But what Cullen has done in 200 pages (I haven't finished yet) is give the events of what happened at Columbine a more realistic feel. To those of us growing up in a CNN infused media where reporters often spin more lies in the first twenty minutes of breaking news, it's refreshing to hear a journalist admit they screwed up...And it's daring that he's taken ten years to sit down and try to piece together WHY the event happened. It's daring, it's surprising, and it's ballsy.

It's also a very worthy followup to Lehane's "Shutter Island."

After this, I'm going to read "Never Let Me Go" again. They're turning it into a movie starring Keira Knightly and Carey Mulligan (seriously loving her style right now)...and I need to brush up on its awesomeness before its release.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tonight the doors of McNamara/Troy close for good...

Ryan Murphy's first hit series "Nip/Tuck" ends tonight and the feeling I'm left with is completely bittersweet. On one hand, the show has kept me glued (except for that crap fourth season and the fact that I've fallen asleep for half of this season) for the past four years...I can remember getting hooked sophomore year of college. And it being downhill ever since.

Nip/Tuck was fearless television with an incredible ensemble cast.

Let's stop and remember a few of my favorite moments from this gross-over the top-awesome television series.
  • Kimber being in the very first episode of the series...and the producers loving her so much, they keep her around for the rest of the series, her storylines getting more and more ridiculous every week. That's staying power.
  • Matt giving himself a circumcision in the first season. Still makes me want to kind of vomit. Could you imagine finding your kid like that?
  • The Carver in Season 3. Season 2-3 were the best of the series. This storyline tied all the grossness together and made it a lot less jump-the-shark.
  • Two words: Julian. McMahon. Pure. Hotness. Naked. A lot.
  • The absolutely batshit surgery storylines that gross you out entirely...to those that are real bummers...to those which are thought provoking. See last week's episode with the Holocaust victim and the Nazi tattoo artist.
  • The sense of family. No matter what happened, they always wound up together...which is why I think tonight's show will end with one more famous family table dinner moment.
So while I feel bummed that yet another wonderful television series is ending, I'm happy at the same time. They could have kept on and made the show tank out till they cancelled it, but they haven't. They've tied up story lines in fabulous ways.

So thank you for all the memories. As vomit inducing and shocking as some of them were, it was definately worth the crazy ride.